Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Monday, December 18, 2006

Silly Site o' the Day

A lot blearier than I thought I'd be. We spent yesterday afternoon at a delightful holiday party with lots of lovely friends, including Mike & Linda Gold and Glenn & Brandy Hauman, and I was delighted to actually meet Kyle Baker & family for the first time as well. I've been to lots of the same events as Kyle, but this was the first time we'd formally met and had substantive conversations about all sorts of things for a lengthy period of time. He's a lot of fun, and although the kids do quite resemble his caricatures of them (both physically and in behavior), his wife Liz (who recognized my name from their blog's comment section) is a lot taller than I thought she'd be. (You do know about Kyle's delightful cartoons about his family, don't you?) Even though the do in the city was only about an hour's journey, it still wiped us out a lot (although that could have been the champagne). Still, I'm glad I didn't use the Holiday Party Excuse Generator (via Karen)! I wonder if I can use it to get out of tomorrow's office holiday lunch? Nah, I might as well take advantage of the free lunch and closing up shop for the afternoon... And by the way, unlike that Office Depot Elf Yourself-but-assign-us-the-rights-to-your-image crap, this is the proper method by which to advertise your company's services - free use of a really cute generator then a link to your site at the end that interested users can click. This was the first ad I've deliberately clicked on in months.