Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Silly Site o' the Day

White Rabbits! The PT taped my ankle in such a way that I didn't need the air cast for most of yesterday, so today I'm going to try descending the two flights of stairs cast-less for the first time since I began wearing it. As it's invoicing day, I'll be off my feet and busy at the computer for much of the workday, so that should help too. Sleep would help the most, but I keep having to schedule PT appointments at 8 AM (the next one's Friday) and, of course, wanting to watch The Daily Show and Colbert when they're on rather than the next evening via DVR. That may change. Oh, speaking of rabbits, via Desi it's Fight Club in 30 seconds as performed by those Angry Alien bunnies...