Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Monday, November 06, 2006

Silly Site o' the Day

Bleary, bleary, bleary. Insomnia last night (probably all the residual excitement over my newest favorite toy, the stir-fry pan I zipped out to Target and bought yesterday in which I cooked both lunch and dinner) but three of my boss' family members are due in today so I'll need to be on my toes. At least I made my physical therapy appointment for after work instead of 8 AM, which means I got a decent parking spot this morning. I know I should probably link to something political but I'll save that for tomorrow (this robocall/fake flyer Republicheat tactic still has me pissed) and instead point to this Flickr slide show of illistgrated internet acronyms via BoingBoing.