Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Friday, October 20, 2006

Silly Site o' the Day

Well, the bad news is, the unfinished meta post still sits in my draft pile. The good news (which is also kind of bad news) is that, with the Mets' loss yesterday, the baseball season has now lost its luster for me and I won't be as preoccupied with TV watching in my free time, so I expect to catch up on my reading and writing. I still haven't cracked open my British children's paperback edition of the sixth Harry Potter book yet, and I've had it for two weeks! But blogginess comes first, and if I don't have too many interruptions on a day when my boss isn't due in (unlikely, I've just been given a ton of follow-up calls to make in a coworker's absence and it's been an hour since I began this and I've finished neither the calls nor the post), maybe I'll finally get to that meta post today. Or at least make some reading headway. Although I definitely won't have time for Destined for Destiny (via PZ Myers).