Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Monday, October 16, 2006

Silly Site o' the Day

Bandaged up the left ankle (as it's been taking all the strain from the right leg being out of commission), air-casted the right one, and zipped into work with nary a problem. Tomorrow I leave the walking stick at home for good, I think. Busy most of the morning filling in for absent coworker who left few instructions but is intermittently reachable via IM. Boss in but may be leaving soon. I'm actually looking forward to the playoff game tonight, now that the Mets have relocated their hitting mojo after a 2-day dry spell.

The Lightning Message Generator doesn't seem to upload correctly, maybe I saved it wrong. (It's supposed to say "Let's Go Mets" but I don't see any animation). It's via Gerard, of course.