Is it insomnia when you collapse at 8:30 in the evening, awaken briefly at 10:45 and mutter to your husband "no, you can watch The Daily Show and Colbert without me but please make sure the DVR is taping it," then wind up wide awake at 2:30 AM? Missed the Yanks clinching, too; although doing it after losing the game they just played really does seem weird to me, so I don't know whether I would have watched the celebrations (were they televised?). Nonetheless, I'm definitely psyched for a possible Subway Series, though I'd be hard-pressed to choose a side for which to root. :) I thought this was an appropriate honor of the NY baseball teams' victory:

The Yankees don't have a Godzillatron. Neither do the Mets. Only UT's Memorial Stadium does. The Godzillatron Sign Generator is via the Generator Blog. And no, I don't care about football all that much; to me there's "baseball" then there's "every other sport" (although I have been known to tune into European football games and the occasional figure skating contest).

The Yankees don't have a Godzillatron. Neither do the Mets. Only UT's Memorial Stadium does. The Godzillatron Sign Generator is via the Generator Blog. And no, I don't care about football all that much; to me there's "baseball" then there's "every other sport" (although I have been known to tune into European football games and the occasional figure skating contest).
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