Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Friday, September 08, 2006

Post-Blogiversary Link Love

Wow, at least three blogs I've seen so far have mentioned yesterday's fourth blogiversary of Pen-Elayne; I'm touched! I really mean that, I've been touched for years. Thanks y'all, I'll try to continue to give back, thusly:

• The Editors reports (yes, that's gramatically correct, Andrew aka TE is a singular guy) of the detaining of an Orthodox Jew for davening on a plane. To tell you the truth, over-the-top (or should I say rocking-to-and-fro) davening makes me a little nervous too, even in shul. It's too showy, like you're trying to prove by your exaggerated movements that you love G-d more.

• Are you keeping up with the "dueling Jeopardy! champ" books? Tom Tomorrow has the scoop on his coblogger Bob Harris' Prisoner of Trebekistan, and Ken Jennings reproes, appropriately, a Swan-inspired comic strip that didn't make it into the almost-released Brainiac.

• Speaking of comic book people and books, which I'm probably doing too much of considering how few I read (see previous post), do you know what this is?

It's a dik-dik, and former Marvel editor Marie Javins is stalking the wild one! Thanks to Heidi for that alert, as well as for her plug of our buddy Anne Bernstein's oddbooksonline site! My friendship with Anne also goes way back, I believe to the INSIDE JOKE zine days before some of you were born. :)

• I'm saddened to hear from Terry about the Costco gender discrimination lawsuit. I always liked the company and thought of it as a very progressive alternative to those anti-union big-box stores that pay their employees a pittance.

• John Rogers reminds us of the importance of dissent, a vital component of any healthy democracy.

• Yes, he's potty-mouthed, but with a purpose, and the Rude Pundit's really been on a roll lately. I particularly recommend Lee's posts on how insultingly the president talks down to us; a possible meme the radical regressives are trying to jump-start that blames the government's ineptitude in the post-Katrina Gulf Coast on their being distracted by public revelations of their treasonous behavior in blowing a CIA operative's cover and placing her contacts and the entire Iraq WMD intelligence program in permanent jeopardy (figuring, I guess, that some citizens will fall for anything); and the tragic fact that this administration doesn't even recognize Al-Qaeda for the "jihadi mafia" they actually are (which would mean the best way to bring them to justice would involve boring old detective and undercover operative work rather than flashy mass killings and torture).

• Lance Mannion believes "disaster" is the wrong word to apply to the 9-11 tragedy, as it implies a natural rather than human-made occurrence; and reminds us of the difference between citizen journalists (aka political bloggers) and actual activists.

• PZ Myers announces the handy Secular Scorecard, just in time for the upcoming election season.

• Finally, over at Shakespeare's Sister, somewaterytart is mighty steamed about people who use words like "irregardless," and Melissa wonders when some "conventional wisdom" will die. Actually, I hope the meme about Al Gore "inventing" the internet lasts a good long time, as he did have a heck of a lot to do with pushing forward its development and as far as I'm concerned he deserves props.

Okay, that's everything except the RenFaire pictures, which are loaded into the computer and will probably be posted tomorrow. And so to bed!