Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Milestone Notes

Happy birthday to Neil Ottenstein, and happy Wil Wheaton (#5!), Kevin Drum (#4), and Rachel Sullivan (#1 of many) - congratulations, all! Pen-Elayne will be celebrating our fourth blogiversary two weeks from today. I don't have anything special planned, like appealing to readers to artificially inflate the arbitary site meter (which I didn't install on the blog until August '03 anyway so it doesn't actually reflect how many people have visited since September '02) to reach some round number. I'm just pleased I've had new content up every day since I started, and that I've made it this far. This format is ideal for someone like me who's done one-to-many amateur writing for over 35 years (as previously mentioned I started when I was 13 or so, surreptitiously passing "Dream Marriage" story pages around to classmates until the teachers confiscated them, and realizing "hey, the other kids seem to enjoy reading stuff I write!"), and I don't intend to stop any time soon.