Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Silly Site o' the Day

As of last night I've made a nice inroad into the last of my unread comics; I should get through the rest of it (pretty much only Vertigo and Wildstorm left to read) by the end of the day, which usually means a new DC comp box is due to arrive. Of course, I'm months behind in magazines, graphic novels and collections, etc. and I need to get caught up with "the internet" (blogs) again but, of course, there just aren't enough hours in the day to read everything and function as a somewhat productive member of society. I do plan to do a short linky-dumpy this afternoon, as well as my usual Liberal Coalition blogaround tomorrow. I don't plan to read Saddam Hussein's trial blog (via Susie Madrak) all that regularly, but I think it's the most amusing blog idea since the Hulk's Blog, or perhaps the pigeon blog...