Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Monday, July 03, 2006

Silly Site o' the Day

As I suspected, we returned from my parents' house rather late last night, and this morning it was right back to the uncomfortable atmosphere at work, what with me being assigned to inform Social Security and so forth of the death in my boss' family and overseeing all related administrative matters for which I am emotionally and experientially unqualified. I'm neither the legal executor nor in any other way paid to do this, but it's either that or be unemployed, and I need the health insurance. Ah, but I promised not to blog of such things, so let's quickly move on to my promise of photos from the 'rents' house later on when I get home again, and a pre-Independence Day quiz (via Catherine at Poverty Barn). I got 27 out of 30, but one miss was from not reading the question correctly.