Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Liberal Coalition Top Ten
Week of 6/25 thru 7/4/06

Okay, I'm cheating a bit. Since I've finally finished skimming through all my Bloglines categories except the Liberal Coalition one, I've decided to do a belated Top Ten type link-dump/blogaround anyway (postponed from Sunday) and add a few choice posts I liked from folks who aren't in the LC. Enjoy!

• Bora/Coturnix celebrates Tesla with some memorable quotes, a variety of links, and a good primer collection.

• Bryant links to a creepy post celebrating "moral violence," which sounds like as much of an oxymoron to me as the term Leah uncovered, democracy-forcing; and reminds us that he's proud to be a so-called blog-o-fascist. At the time I'm sure he hadn't yet gotten the memo that Kathryn Cramer is actually our Super Secret Liberal Blogosphere Queen, although I think we should all pay attention to Norbizness' pyramid scheme.

• I've been quizzing Robin on Chris' Company Crossover Week. So far he's not only gotten every one, but has given me additional trivia on most of the books.

• Echidne hates raisins, so she really wouldn't have liked the ones Billy and I stuck in those issues of AFTA all those years ago...

• Kathy decries the press silence on presidential signing statements, and celebrates the win by Connecticut librarians on patron privacy. Hey, I used to be married to a former CT librarian (wh, by the way, is now culling his comics collection, in case anyone needs to pick up some good stuff?)

• Even Keith's cat rooting for England didn't help; and one of Maru's cats is extremely tolerant to be wearing that, um, hat. Meanwhile, the founder of Friday Cat Blogging, Kevin Drum, shows us a couple of patriotic kitties. Mustang Bobby, of course, understands that true patriots aren't prone to garish displays to prove their patriotism, but to citizen activism and awareness.

• Now see, when I did my post yesterday about The Philadelphia Story I didn't even realize CK Dexter Haven was a soccer fan; thank goodness Steve Gilliard is there to enlighten us.

• Rivka discusses why she's a pro-choice mom. I always thought this was a no-brainer - you want other women to have the same ability as you had to control when and whether their bodies function as incubators.

• Trish has way different July 4 movie tastes than me.

And, from the non-LC sections:

• Angie reports on the 2,996 project.

• Colleen had a great time at Charlotte. Wish I could have been there, but circumstances dictated otherwise this year.

• Jenn searches for Malcolm Yellow, an Asian-American activist symbol.

• Kathy, who brings us some lovely fireworks, also reports on the impending shutdown of the NJ government, something much on my parents' mind the day before yesterday.

• Because things have been crazed, I didn't have the wherewithall to contribute to the first Carnival of Feminist SF/Fantasy Fans at Ragnell's place, but I'm determined to go for the second one at Kalinara's blog.

• Augie details how a reality show really messed with a family it featured.

Alec Baldwin shares his patriotic fantasy on the Huffington Post.

• Lastly, Melissa reminds us to be ever vigilant against bullies who get off on making people knuckle under to them.

There, that's done! Now to get on with my patriotic TV watching...