Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Silly Site o' the Day

I am neither at the MoCCA art festival nor at YearlyKos this weekend. Being older and tired and underfunded often means having no social life. I never had any intention of hobnobbing with the A-list political bloggers in the desert in June, but I did want to go to MoCCA as I miss my comic industry friends, most of whom I haven't seen since my job moved out of Manhattan. But I went back to bed and slept most of the morning and I'm not moving around very well and besides, I live about an hour and a half away from the Puck Building and that's only if I made all my bus and subway connections which is unlikely on a Sunday. So I'm spending the afternoon reading blogs and comics and vicariously experiencing a life of activism or creativity rather than actually living it. Sometimes I feel like I'm just clicking buttons (via Eva).