Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Friday, June 16, 2006

Dem's Good Reads, Friday 16 June 2006 Edition

I never did get to add to Wednesday's linky-love, and things just got away from me and now so many other people are linking to stuff I liked that some of this may be redundant, but oh well:

• Bibi of Bibi's Box has just launched a new blog all about the dodo and its influence on modern culture.

• Girl Wonder (see spiffy new button on sidebar) has launched at least a couple tasty new blogs - Karen Healey's Girls Read Comics (And They're Pissed), which is so good I've already put it on the sidebar (I love her first post!); and Dr. Steven Dann's Designated Sidekick, which also has a killer opening post.

• Via Michael at Blog of a Bookslut, Google has a new tool in its book section where you can search the complete works of Shakespeare. Much easier to read (and lighter!) than the teeny tiny type in my actual bound book at home! And Xan at CorrenteWire notes that Google also has a US Government search tool.

• Billmon finds certain claims baseless. I persist in believing that establishing a permanent American foothold in Iraq and fears over the petro-euro supplanting the petrodollar are the two main reasons we're actually there.

• A couple of commemmorations this past week, as Bryan salutes the Magna Carta (signed 15 June 1215; I wonder if there will be a grand celebration in 9 years on its 800th anniversary) and Bibi finds what I would have used as my Silly Site today (Bloomsday) had I seen it earlier, Ulysses for Dummies.

• A few bits of brilliance from Lance Mannion, reacting to the shrill viper's latest bites - it doesn't matter if she believes what she says, as it's all in service of self-amusement; taking a look at the god-ed ones; and ruminating on religion's purpose in general. Avedon has an interesting analysis about the viper's MO as well.

• Jill at Feministe wonders why some left-leaning bloggers are so super-sensitive about being called on bigoted language, while her co-blogger Zuzu points to some Hitler cats. (Definitely the fourth one, it has the faux-combover thing going too.)

• Woo-hoo, Fafblog's back!, and has a hilarious and brilliant post about how 6/10 changed everything.

• Peter David has the answer to the burning question "Will you still need me, will you still feed me, when I'm Sixty Four?"

More to come, possibly. At least 500 posts yet to read in News+Views Gals, and at least 700 each for the Guys and Groups...