Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Blogger Brunch

While I was away I knew plans were afoot to get some NYC-area bloggers together this weekend, but bowed out of the email exchange early as I figured it would be a Saturday evening thing and I knew yesterday afternoon and evening was reserved for sleep in a bed that actually fit us once more, as well as transitioning back to US time. Turns out, according to a local blogger, there was a do going on in Queens today as well (or instead?), and it would have been nice to have known about it but hey, if I couldn't do the Food Fest I probably wouldn't have been up for this either.

On the other hand, the blogger who informed me of this event was none other than The Talking Dog, who just happened to be shopping with his family at Stew's at the exact same time as us, so we had a little mini blogger brunch of our own thank-you-very-much. I don't know what had possessed me to bring the camera, but I'm glad I did! Consider this Foodie Alert #2 of the day; the third foodie post will follow once all my holiday photos are labelled.

I didn't even have fish and chips whilst in England (I concentrated more on the stuff they do much better there than here, like duck and lamb and chocolate), so I treated myself to lobster for brunch today. It's Stew's, so it's relatively affordable (and besides, I'm still technically on holiday).

Mr. and Mrs. TD had more sensible and portable fare. I can't tell you what a treat it was to run into people we knew on our first outing after being settled back home!

The Biped Cow and the Loquacious Pup. The pup didn't get to see much of Stew's inside, as this was a brief stop for the family before heading upstate. But she had a great time in the relatively few minutes they were there!

So there you are, even when some of us can't go to the Blogger Brunch we still manage to be at a blogger brunch!