Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Silly Site o' the Day

Well, on the one hand, the cough is back (whether from coworker contagion or allergies I can't yet tell), and I've had to cancel a planned interview for a job which might have really suited me because a coworker suddenly decided she might want to take that day as a vacation day (and she has seniority, but I don't think it was deliberate sabotage because she's now offered to give me her haircutting appointment for tomorrow), and now my boss will be back from his business trip a day earlier than planned so my second choice of date is scuttled, and I've pretty much had to tell every recruiter who's called to please bear me in mind for interviews towards the end of May at the earliest. On the other hand, my morning commute has gotten a lot more colorful as the trees finally begin to fill in, and even the view from my office is becoming more pleasant as the landscaping my boss had planned starts to take shape. And we're going to England in a little over three weeks! So I refuse to be all gloomy. Here's a pretty little Fairy Berry vignette, courtesy of Desi (one of my guest bloggers during my England holiday!).