Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Silly Site o' the Day

Well, last night's Dr. Who wasn't as stupendous as others have been trailing, particularly since I guessed the ending about 10 minutes into it, but it was a good episode anyway. The season presently being aired on SciFi (the 2005 series) really is like an extended Mary Sue story, isn't it? Anyway, some enterprising YouTuber took scenes from that season and set them to the opening music of the old A-Team TV series, and darned if it doesn't work pretty well. Except the A-Team was so not Mary Sue-ish. Even with Dwight Shultz. Via Budgie, whom I'll be seeing at the Bristol International Comic Expo in two short weeks, along with lots of Dr. Who-related folks, at least one of whom I know personally.