Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Monday, March 13, 2006

Silly Site o' the Day

Since the Koufax Awards got kinda glitchy and first round voting is being extended one more day, I won't open up Estrogen Month voting (with accompanying explanation) until at least tomorrow. Maybe by that point my cough will be all but gone. I hate when flu season morphs right into duck season rabbit season allergy season. But hey, at least our taxes are done. I'd only expected to get as far as tallying Robin's business-related deductions yesterday (being married to a self-employed person I've learned to obsessively horde and organize receipts), but we're completely through the entire process, surprising ourselves so much that every few minutes we walk around giddily saying stuff like, "Oh Robin, don't forget we need to do the taxes - oh no, wait, they're already done!" At this point we cannot recommend TurboTax highly enough, although I do still exhibit 20th century Timid Caveperson tendencies and your 21st century computer tax programs frighten and confuse me (Robin did all the inputting).

I'm also keeping up pretty well with both comics and blogs at the moment. I have a few months' worth of one more Wildstorm title to skim through then I'm caught up with the entire DC comp boxes so far (did I mention Birds of Prey #92 comes out this Wednesday?); and, at the moment, my Bloglines subs show unread blogs in only four categories and a total of maybe 350 unread posts - doable in a couple hours at most. In all my blog reading I've also beefed up my saved Silly Site links so I won't have to go searching for awhile. Here's one that really caught my fancy (pun intended), an amusing blog purportedly written by a pigeon called Brian who hangs out in London with his pigeon'y mates. Via Xeni at BoingBoing, natch.