Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Silly Site o' the Day

One of our tenants, upon hearing my persistent cough, asked me if I'd ever heard of Buckley's, and I replied that we had an expired bottle in our medicine cabinet but I hadn't seen it on any drug store shelves in years. She said, "oh, that's because they keep it behind the pharmacy counter now." Why, I have no idea - it's still OTC - but sure enough I was able to get a new bottle yesterday during my necessity-shopping trip and it seems to be helping a little, although it's like drinking vapor rub. Still coughing but not as violently, although the day is young. Wish I'd remembered to pick up honey as well as long as I was in the supermarket so I could make that hot water/lemon/honey concoction. Oh well. As long as I don't shit prime numbers (via Rana), I figure I'm ahead of the game. Get it? Numbers? Figure? Damn, I want to go back to bed...