Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Friday, March 24, 2006

Friday Linky Dumpy

The best thing about this (via Augie)? I can hear it all in my ex-husband's voice. "Elayne. Look. It's like this. There's snakes. And they're on - a plane! You know. SNAKES. On an f'n PLANE!" Cracks me up every time.

Speaking of which, Gary has a problem with the #1 movie hype of any given week. I can relate, I actually heard a Chicken Little ad touting it as "Disney's #1 animated movie of 2005" and I didn't notice the word "Disney" at first, then Robin pointed out to me that it was their only animated movie in 2005...

Colleen muses about horse (and house) country down VA-way.

I'm very, very pleased that Ragnell is hosting the next Carnival of the Feminists.

Sandra discusses the inking process. Geez, don't I get enough of this at home? :)

Anne muses at length about the imminent decline of the American empire. "What worries me is that they can make it true...by making people believe it's true."

Eric interviews the courageous and savvy President of the Oglala Sioux, Cecilia Fire Thunder.

Chris has posted his Time.com story about the current situation in Iraq.

Maia has a great post up at Alas, A Blog about people mistakenly equating beauty with health (and, of course, defining beauty way too, erm, narrowly)...

Glenn announces his upcoming book. Tom's book is out now. Ah, I vaguely remember when I used to have time to read books...

Greg makes the compelling observation that Operation Iraqi Liberation is a success, in that "Yes, Bush went in for the oil -- not to get more of Iraq's oil, but to prevent Iraq producing too much of it."

I'm glad I was right to pay no attention to Ben Domenech. As a rule I pay little to no attention to any right-wing blogger; it's all I can do to keep up with the liberal and lefty ones! If you have to ask "who's Ben Domenech?", you're my kinda blogger...

Time to go home! If I'm a good girl and finally do another Estrogen Month post tonight, can I have my RSS feed back, Blogger/Bloglines?