Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Halftime Report

Because it's all about the ads (as is most of TV) anyway, despite everyone shaking their heads and wondering what the heck was going on with Seattle during the last minute of the second half:

Most obvious as to where the money went - The Mobile ESPN (Sprint?) ad and the caveman FedEx. I liked the punchline of the latter, but I didn't think the anachronism worked. (Yeah, I know, if you're going to posit cavemen discussing FedEx in the first place you shouldn't quibble about them not being around when dinosaurs were, but it still niggled for whatever reason.)

Funniest - Both beer ads - the "magic fridge" one brought a chuckle, and I thought the lamb-streaker in the sports parody one was cute.

Most sexist - Godaddy, sadly. I'm shamed to say that's where our domain is registered.

Weirdest - Five-bladed razors? Reality has totally outstripped parody by now, hasn't it?

Back to the Stones, I suppose...