Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Monday, January 23, 2006

Silly Sites o' the Day

Two down, one to go. We ordered a DVR for our cable, which will happen next week; and this morning Robin accompanied me to the cardiologist, who put me on a beta blocker in addition to the meds I'm taking and I will remain under periodic observation. Now I just need my car back... *sigh* The trek to and from the medical center was interesting, as one of the Bronx busses with a terminus at the corner a block away from us has its other terminus at the hospital, so it might have taken slightly longer than a transfer to the subway would have but not so's I noticed, and it was way easier! Oh, speaking of treks, Keith R.A. DeCandido passes along The Picard Song (does Wil know about this?), and Shakespeare's Sister got a kick out of Taysiders in Space.