Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Monday, January 23, 2006

Five Guilty Pleasures

Ever since Leah tagged me with this I've been thinking about what to write down. I'm afraid I'm not at all good at this sort of thing, as I don't think I have a lot of pleasures that make me feel guilty. I'm not ashamed of reading comics or partaking of any other entertainment hobby. But I guess I'll try to give it a shot:

• Long drives for pleasure (whenever I get my car back), because I know I'm "wasting" gas.

• Smiling at some of the simplistic or scatalogical jokes in the Elvira comic. I'm really not much for scatology, I like to think of myself as drawn to more intellectual, wordplay-type humor, so it kind of makes me feel incorrect when I smile over something fairly juvenile.

• The Office - Robin just bought the DVD of this brilliant British series, and some episodes positively make me squirm. I'm as fond of "embarrassment comedy" and farce as I am of lowbrow scatology, but The Office is compelling TV anyway.

• Tex Avery cartoons, when I don't particularly care for Tom & Jerry (same studio, same period) or Coyote and Roadrunner (same variations-on-a-theme gags). I don't know what it is about Avery, his stuff just makes me giggle. I blame Leonard Maltin and his terrific cartoon appreciation class all those years ago...

• Food porn, especially some of those Iron Chef America episodes where I'm rooting for the chefs to handle the theme ingredient which is still alive.

And no, I'm not tagging any others, this one was hard enough for me to do!