Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Monday, December 05, 2005

Silly Site o' the Day

I don't think anyone expected that bit of snow to ice up overnight; it took Robin over ten minutes to scrape off the car this morning! Thank goodness he finished BoP #90 last evening and had the availability! Had we known I would have put the car cover on Friday, but I'd expected to go out Saturday and wound up not feeling well, and after it snowed yesterday morning I didn't feel steady enough on my feet yet to risk the steps even though Lillian's boys did a great shoveling job... But the car is now more or less de-iced and I made it to work fine, but dang, I'm cold. My radiator's the only one in the office not working. Having done a lot of blog posts this past weekend (and fallen behind in my reading - it really is true, one can't keep up both reading and writing), I just don't have the words at this point, but I might find them on this website, via Tom Peyer.