Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Liberal Coalition Top Ten
Week of 12/11 thru 12/17/05

Welcome to my weekly roundup of the ten posts that caught my eye the most from my fellow Liberal Coalition members! I actually went on the LC mailing list for the first time in a couple months (mailing list participation is another thing that I've had to let slide because there are only so many hours in the day), only to discover that a couple LCers have new blogs, so I've adjusted the blogroll accordingly. Here's what stood out for me this past week:

Norbizness has the unedited scoop on the Brian Williams-George Bush interview.

Keith at Invisible Librarian points to some not-so-invisible Librarian Trading Cards. I think my first husband should submit one too.

Jude at Iddybud has some lovely thoughts for friends following her mother's death, and Alex at SoonerThought remembers OKC Community College president Bob Todd. (I can't believe it's taken me that long to get the wordplay of that blog's title... then again, there are folks who still don't get the wordplay in mine...)

Bryant at Make Me a Commentator!!! presents - Finger Puppet Theatre! Here are parts one, two and three.

Horatio gives us munchies for thought about marijuana and the profit motive.

Athenae at First Draft is angry that modern so-called journalism isn't angry enough.

John at archy and The Farmer, now at Harry Dogwater, are having a sort of scientific back-and-forth. Here's John on the mammoth, and The Farmer on, um, the Harvey Probber MoHair Sofa.

Wrapping things up is Echidne writing about being a token woman, much of which struck a chord for me as well.

Off to Manhattan now - see you later!