Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Friday, November 11, 2005

Silly Site o' the Day

The office move to the suite across the hallway was supposed to be completed today, but one of "our" phone companies that shall remain nameless has dicked "us" over again - "we" had the same problem with them last year when we moved to this building - and won't be coming to transfer the other half of the lines until next Wednesday at the earliest. Meanwhile, Verizon had already done their bit with the other half so we can't operate any of our dedicated lines for the fax machines and so forth until the system is reintegrated which can't happen without the company that shall remain nameless so, no forward (or lateral) movement until they show. Which ain't gonna be on a holiday that everyone else in the building seems to mark except us. How come life isn't like this in the movies? Here are 40 things that only happen in movies, via Christopher at After School Snack.