Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Silly Site o' the Day

Wow, thanks for all the great responses on my Southern Belles post, folks! Nice to know this blog can still attract the traffic when I can find the time, even in a somewhat fevered state, to write a more-or-less proper essay. And yeah, Amanda's mention of it didn't hurt! The fever seems to have broken and, in any case, I can't afford to take another day off work at 75% pay; and after all, I inconvenienced a coworker yesterday by asking her to do a 20-second task that wasn't her job and which I couldn't do from home - forwarding some email that my boss had received over the weekend to a business meeting he was attending yesterday - thereby ruining her entire week, which she informed me with her usual ingracious sarcasm in a strange emailed tirade (just another reason to hope all the executive secretary resumes I've been emailing out lead to at least a few interviews!). So despite having gotten almost no sleep and still experiencing sweat and chills, I'm off to the office in about half an hour. I sat at the computer long enough yesterday to ascertain that I should be able to do my job today (i.e., sit at my desk for 8 hours without collapsing), but it won't be easy. Fortunately, your comments have spurred me on to at least try to do more than one post per day, assuming I have the time, and my boss leaves the country on Thursday so things are looking up. Now, if only someone in NYC wanted a damn good executive secretary... but onward. Here's another game for y'all ("the walrus was Paul"...sorry, sorry), again via Augie - the N Game!