Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Monday, July 04, 2005

Silly Site o' the Day

Happy Independence Day! Remember, loving your country and its ideals is not the same as supporting its current leaders, particularly if those leaders are doing things you consider anti-American and anti-freedom. Also remember to pay attention to what they do, not what they say; often people will scream "patriotism" the loudest (and seek to create scapegoats by casting others as the unpatriotic ones) when they need to cast a smokescreen over their own highly unpatriotic activities. Let us together cherish our diversity and freedom, and not let others force upon us their ideas of God and country, that we may continue to survive and function as a land with room for everyone's beliefs and hopes and aspirations. Oddly, I don't have a suitable Silly Site, but when I typed in "funny independence" on Google it gave me UFO Phil's site, so there you are... Update: Oh good, Desi found an appropriate cartoon for the day.