Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Monday, June 13, 2005

Silly Sites o' the Day

A special Silly Site post today, what with all these women bloggers (hey, where are we, anyway?) getting out their tits wits as a result of continued rudeness and sexism from the male half of the blogosphere. Submitted for your perusal, so far:

  • Elise's pop quiz
  • Lauren's sensing humor
  • Amanda's got the vapours
  • Roxanne's Write Your Own Caption
  • Tami's Female Problems
  • Liz's Real Woman's Issues
  • Sheelzebub's missive to the Dear Ladies
  • MadKane's first audioblog post, Ode to Misogyny
      More contributions to this Carnival of the Cu-- uh, Comebacks as they happen!