Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Silly Site o' the Day

Well, sleep seems to have broken the fever, at least. It would help more if I didn't wake up to an e-mail from +one of the 300-plus member Big Brass Alliance mailing list members criticizing me for what he considered as inappropriate contributions to the list, such as praising Newswriter for compiling all members' URLs into one of her blogrolls and joking that she should separate them by gender, which he took as a complaint; or offering what I considered helpful advice about turning the list into a Yahoo group, which he also took as, yes, a complaint. Oddly, he had no criticisms of any of the other 60+ emails on the list, some of which were actual complaints (mostly about how many emails were coming through). So of course it has me thinking, if someone constantly reads complaints into what I mean as actual helpful emails (including one of praise), is it them or might it be me? Do I actually give out the aura of complaining? Have I done it on my blog? Or was that just me last night? What do y'all think? I think I'm going to watch Revenge of the Brick again. Via the Pig of Death.