Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Silly Site o' the Day

I haven't abandoned y'all, honestly. It's just become such a pain this last week or so to try to post at work, both to Blogger and to my Haloscan comments (and I can't figure out why, I can comment just fine on others' blogs but it took me about 50 tries to post a comment on my own blog yesterday), that it's easier for me to just give up and read than to write at this point. Of course we have no IT person to look at my computer and figure out why I have this problem despite repeatedly emptying my cache and cookies. (Maybe I'll install Firefox there today and see if that helps.) By the time I come home I'd usually rather read comics or watch TV than sit at the computer some more. And of course there's the lingering cough, although that's improving. So bear with me. In the meantime, why not take the Guess-the-Google quiz (via Eszter at Crooked Timber)?