Okay, let me defend myself by saying that I don't usually take such sucky photos, but (a) it was really, really dim in Madame X, and (b) I was sick and getting sicker. I've tried adjusting the levels but eff it, here they are in all their glory. If you want to see who was there by blog name, go to Nichelle's write-up and click on various blogs listed there which also mention the gathering. Because I was so under the weather, I'm having problems remembering which names go with which faces, so the only folks I'll identify below are in the first photo because I actually had substantive conversations with each: event co-organizer Liza "Culture Kitchen" Sabater has the camera, and Barbara "Mahablog" O'Brien is in the background. For the rest of the photos you're on your own, but feel free to come forward in the comments and introduce yourself if I've captured your image digitally!
As I said to the group when we took turns introducing ourselves, it was such a pleasure to see women of all colors and sizes there. I enjoyed the company a lot, but hope the next meetup is in a place that's a little more central, has food, plays the music more softly so people can actually hear each other, and doesn't charge $7 per drink...
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