Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Rise of a Comics Blog

Dang, I miss blogging about comics. Maybe this weekend, when (if all goes well) the data entry project will be a bad memory. In the meantime, remember that Megillat Vashti project I keep harping about that I swear I'm going to write someday? You know, when I actually have my life back? (I'm serious about entertaining employment offers; let me know if you have any!) Well, the artist for the project, Michael Netzer (yeah, I've blogged about him before, do a Google search from the Blogger bar atop this page) now has his own blog as well, called Rise of the Comics. Welcome to the blogosphere, "partner!" Pretty cool sidebars as well; the blogroll's on the right, and other neat stuff is on the left. Do check it out.