Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

BHM Post of the Day

As you know, February is Black History Month because, well, as the shortest month of the year I guess it's symbolic of the short end of the stick that black Americans have been getting ever since there have been black Americans. I believe that history is an ongoing development, so I'd rather look at what's happening in the black community today than rely, as so many others will, on looking only to the past. Depending on time and inclination (and whether I can stay current with my blogroll) I'll try to present a BHMPD every day in February, and today's is Christopher Priest's musing Should We Still Like Mike?. Priest (the comic book writer formerly known as Jim Owsley, not Christopher Priest the sf writer) and I have been friends since the days of Usenet, and his cultural commentary is always worth reading.