Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Traffic Jam

Enough of politics for now. Yeah yeah, as that Morning Sedition caller whines, "Talk about the issues, we're fighting for our lives here!", but honestly, my interest in "fighting" (i.e., blog posting) about issues on behalf of others far more affected by them than I am has taken up way too much of my time and interest lately disproportionate to the rest of my life - comics, cats, sushi, etc. Not that I'll never touch political stuff again, I just need a little more balance.

One of the things I've wanted to do for awhile is to start photoblogging more often. So, here are some photos of my morning commute, because I was stuck in a bit of a traffic jam and needed to stay alert and I couldn't call Robin on my nifty new portable bluetooth speaker because he's on deadline (which means, yes, sushi tonight!):

So yeah, this was the traffic jam, as a portion of the Cross County Expressway is being worked on so they closed off not one, not two, but three of the four lanes right before my exit, naturally backing up traffic for about half the length of my highway commute (usually about 15 minutes total out of my half-hour journey).

Not that I'm complaining, I mean honestly, when I can look out my driver's side window and see this. Have I mentioned how much I love fall foliage?

But the delays weren't over; the hard-working DOT folks are paving a major road in New Rochelle that I turn onto when I leave the highway, so in the second traffic stoppage I took this shot of the new asphalt. Yum, tar smell at 8:30 AM!

Total commuting time today was nearly an hour, about what it used to take me to get into Manhattan on the subway...