Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Silly Site o' the Day

Yep, time for my daily after-midnight vacation almost-week update. All the DCU comics are now ready to be shelved, but Rob's dental problems have prevented him from working so for now they're staying in their longboxes while he catches up. I've started moving the Other (non-Marvel, non-DC) comics (currently packed in moving boxes) out of the studio into longboxes in the living room, but I can only do a few more of those before running out of room and, besides, with Robin working tomorrow later today I'm loath to disturb him. Did some food shopping and lots of recyclable-trash tossing (we do accumulate boxes!), must have gone up and down our two flights of stairs at least a half dozen times. So I'm taking it easy tomorrow later today, doing some financial stuff to wrap up the end of the month and maybe a bit of ironing, but mostly (I hope) sleeping and reading before my mandatory office day on Wednesday. To my great surprise I've actually skimmed most of my News+Views blogs, I just need to go through Da Guys a bit. I'll leave you for now with a timely site I got from Laura Gjovaag, the latest in disclaimer stickers for modern science textbooks. Given that discussion is still raging in my comment section from last week about Neal Adams' science project, I shall refrain from further comment on the plate tectonics disclaimer...