Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Friday, September 17, 2004

Silly Site o' the Day

Still a little over 300 posts to read in Da Guys section, but all my other sections have under 50 posts each, so it'll be a good day to catch up. At the moment I'm far more interested in what y'all are writing than in writing anything myself, but that mood shifts frequently so you never know when I'll post up a flurry once more. Anyway, still in a Rosh Hashanah kinda mood, I pass along this post from Eszter at Crooked Timber, which led me to this cute bouncy Hebrew song in Flash animation, which in turn led me to the inescapable conclusion that, even after all these years, I cannot read the language if the letters don't include the damn vowel sounds underneath them... Oh, and the most recent ShaBot 6000 strip is pretty funny too.