Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Friday, September 24, 2004

Road Trip for Democracy

Steve Monahan e-mails me, "This site deserves a plug and link in your activism list. It provides a means for people to organize group trips to swing states with the purpose of registering voters, educating voters, and, in the final days, getting out the vote. Michael Moore provides the link. I haven't noticed you or Kos or any other popular bloggers mention it. I'm joining a trip from the Bay Area to Oregon. It's time to hit the field! I think a plug and link from your popular site may get a few more to take the bold step and cross state lines." I know it's a mass e-mail, because not only is my site not "popular" in the least but, unlike extremely popular activists such as Moore of whom everyone has heard (as opposed to me and, I suspect, most other bloggers), I have no "activism list." However, I still think it's a nice site and kind of a neat idea, provided activists don't mind polluting the environment and squandering fossil fuels to fill the Saudis' pockets in the name of, erm, democracy, uh... what was I saying? (Yes, I know, I have a car now as well, but that doesn't mean I don't feel guilty about it!)