Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Friday, September 24, 2004

Fast Food

I got out of the stifling office (still no AC; long story which I don't care to recall until my return on Monday) at 4 and arrived home by 4:30 to find Robin making dinner. It's just about ready now, after which I will begin my fast for Yom Kippur. Being pretty dehydrated and mid-menses this time, I've decided not to abstain from water, but will try to ingest nothing else through sundown tomorrow, bearing in mind what Grandma (my boss' mother-in-law) passed along last week - an old saying from her mother to the effect that "God cares more about what comes out of your mouth than what goes into it." Have an easy fast, those of you who observe it, as once again, via Lis Riba, we present the Al Chet for electronic communication.