Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Saturday, September 04, 2004

Revenge on Boom Cars

Via Amanda Marcotte, who celebrated her 27th birthday this past Thursday (insert expected "geez I'm old compared to all these energetic bloggers" comment here), Loud Music Can Cause Lung Collapse. It has to do with the lungs starting to vibrate at the same frequency as booming bass music, which I personally never allow within 30 feet of me if I can help it. I'm just hoping it doesn't affect passersby like second-hand smoke does...

By the way, Amanda and a slew of other great feminist bloggers have been chatting up a storm lately about the Women Blogger Question (again), male liberal bloggers' use of the word "pussy" in both humorous and serious contexts, who "owns" feminism, etc. Now's a great time to check out "Da Gals" in the News+Views section of my sidebar. And damn her, Amanda has such terrific comment threads that I now have another bunch of Gal-run blogs to check out: Cynical's Fresh Paint, Astarte's Utopian Hell, Lauren's Feministe... I can see this is going to be a somewhat exhausting weekend reading-wise!