Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Thursday, July 29, 2004

Silly Site o' the Day

Still feeling pretty under the weather, pissed that my RealPlayer still isn't streaming any of the DemoCon speeches stored on C-Span's site nor even Air America (at least I can finally tune in again, barely, on my dinky desk radio) and that I don't yet have the concentration to return to blogging or even get through blogroll reading.  I'm beginning to doubt Blogway Blabby will make an appearance on The American Street this weekend, not that she'll be missed because I haven't gotten a single e-mailed suggestion yet for any of her participatory segments (Meme Recap, Milestone Notes and Premier Performance/Blog of the Week) but still, I hate to blow off a commitment.  Anyway, as we're all in a political mood, how about this gem from the ACLU, which I found out via Eszter at Crooked Timber?  (Oddly, that plays just fine, sounds and all, even though I no longer hear any of the usual system pings when I receive new e-mail or am about to delete something... wish our programmer weren't on vacation this week...)