Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Friday, July 23, 2004

Silly Site o' the Day

So much for getting an early start down to my parents' house; not one but two nightmares disturbed my sleep (one involving a sort of Dali-esque plane crashing - actually melting - into Manhattan buildings in front of my eyes; and the other featuring a spoiled princess laying into me for gross incompetence after I spent half an hour trying to make a decorative bow for her package, causing her to spend $175 more on parking and couldn't I do anything right and my boss was sitting next to me agreeing with her) and Datsa, for once, didn't rouse us till after 8.  Sorry Mom and Dad, we're on our way as soon as we've had a cuppa and fed the cats.  In the meantime, considering my bad dreams, perhaps I shouldn't play this copter game that Kathy Pearlman passed along...