Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Silly Site o' the Day

Well, having a car still doesn't solve certain immediate problems, like taking care of building matters and my boss' wife keeping me busy up until now with phone calls on her behalf (yes, I'm not just a secretary, I'm also a personal assistant and building manager, at no additional compensation) before she flies off to join him on his vacation. On the other hand, I can see my car (*giggle* my car *contented sigh*) from my office window (my office window *another somewhat contented sigh*) and knowing I can go straight home from here or take care of errands and not have to get on a winding, cramped cross-town bus for an hour and a half not including transferring to the second bus if I even make the transfer and don't have to wait another half hour... well, it makes things a lot more bearable. In any case, I digress. Look what Hanan Levin found - a page full of free online jigsaw puzzles! Yeah, like I even have the time for these; I just about got caught up on my blogroll and now I've fallen two days behind again...