Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Tracking It Forward

Via Max Sawicky, apparently you can install code on your blog template that uses "the Technorati search functionality... so a blog can provide a distributed commenting system that incorporates transparency and accountability." I think that means it can show remote comments from other blogs; a sort of trackforward instead of trackback. People like Brad DeLong are wondering if this will signal the end of comments sections, but I doubt it - people enjoy two-way (or many-to-many) conversation too much to give it up even if the signal-to-noise ratio becomes annoying. Anyway, here are the codes to enable a "Link Cosmos" on various kinds of blog templates. On Blogger it seems to be something like this; I'm substituting square brackets for the usual carats (and your blog URL for an actual blog URL) so if you copy and paste this you'll have to change "[" and "]" back to "<" and ">" and of course put in your blog URL where apropriate:

[a href="http://www.technorati.com/cosmos/search.html?rank=&sub=mtcosmos&url=your blog URL[$BlogItemArchiveFileName$]%23[$BlogItemNumber$]" title="Technorati Cosmos" target="_blank"]Technorati-Trackforward[/a]

Does an enterprising Blogger user (Laura?) want to experiment with this and see if trackforward capabilities work? I'm not entirely sure how to test them...