Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Possible Unplanned Blog Hiatus

Just got a call from Verizon. The cable outside the house into which we're moving, leading into our top-floor flat, is defective and will have to be replaced. They're working on it but the fellow who called said it might take until the 27th, and they cannot order the DSL until our phone line's operational. As I've taken the 28th through 30th off work, with our actual moving date being the 29th, and of course taking into account the following weekend, there's a very good possibility I won't be able to blog from April 29 through May 2. I would, however, like to ensure that this blog still has new daily content. Anyone out there interested in a possible guest-blogging spot for those four days? (No guarantee our home DSL will be ready by Monday 5/3 either, but at least I'll be able to touch base from work then.)

Update: Hanan Levin, the brains behind Grow-A-Brain, has graciously volunteered to handle this guest-blogging stint! Thanks again, Hanan!