Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, April 04, 2004

The KosTroversy

As far as I'm concerned, Digby pretty much says it all. Well, almost all.
If you want to make bucks by selling ads, you have to be aware that they could pull those ads in a hearbeat if you write things they feel are harmful to their products (candidates.) That's just reality in our happy little laissez-faire world... Or you can take the approach of an old fashioned pamphleteer, which is what blogging has mainly been up to now. Self-publish, say what you want, offer it for free and hope that somebody finds it interesting... If you are a big time blogger like Andrew Sullivan you can put up a tip jar and make big bucks, so there's even a financial model available that leaves you beholden to noone. Or, you could always find a benefactor or sugar daddy who will finance your blogging..."
Or, you know, there's always the option of using Blogger's server and the Haloscan basic account and blogging for free, because you want give of your time and talent (such as it is) to communicate and inform and entertain and further community, with absolutely no monetary profit involved, and that way you never have to compromise beyond little banner ads and bottom-of-comment adlets that people know have nothing to do with your blog.