Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Silly Site o' the Day

From POE News, via my Firesign chat buddy Ken DeBusk, it's the Rumsfeld Fighting Technique! Another weird example of those Bushies' body language.

Which reminds me, a couple weeks ago one of the CREEP guys was being interviewed on a morning news show (don't recall who) and he started enumerating something, I can't remember what. And you know how most of us would count to three like this little animation on the right, correct? (I know, most of us have that extra pinky but you know what I'm trying to illustrate here.)

Well, this guy counted off 1, 2, 3 in the following manner:

And Robin said, "what the hell was that, why was he counting so strangely?" And I pointed out to him that the body language may have looked very clumsy but subliminally the message was "thumbs up, victory, okay." Like I say, you gotta watch these guys, they're tricky.