Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Thursday, February 19, 2004

Maintenance Note

I've just about gotten through my blogroll for today, and have finally decided to make it easier on myself in future. Shari mentioned the term "must visit daily" so I'm swiping her expression to create an MVD list on the sidebar, right under my "Top Six" list (my four "parent blogs" and my two friends of longest standing). I wanted to explain that "Must View Daily" means just that - blogs that update so frequently with stuff I consider such must-reading that if I don't check them more often than I have been I feel like I'm falling behind. It's not meant as a favoritism thing - most all the blogs linked to from the sidebar are favorites in one way or another or they wouldn't be there in the first place - but as a convenience for me, as I'm the one who uses my sidebar the most. I'm just saying, 'cause I don't want anyone to feel slighted. (Also, it's pretty malleable and will doubtless shift a lot from time to time, as some bloggers write less and others step up activity.) Lastly, newly added to the sidebar under Op-Ed are George Lakoff (on the strength of the article Shari discusses, as well as his recent BuzzFlash interview) and Jesse Jackson (on the strength of his recent article about Dean).