Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Besotted at SOTU

Via Maru Soze, at least now we can have fun this evening when Bush drives us to drink, with this year's State of the Union Address Drinking Game. Although I'm kinda with Melanie on this, I probably won't be watching the SOTU (too busy hugging my cat upon his return, if all goes well), but she has some good resources worth checking out. Meanwhile, Susie Madrak points to the Independent's "real state of the Union," a sort of Harper's Index of Bush's term so far. Update: South Knox Bubba's version of a SOTU drinking game has him donating to charity, which I think is terrific. Here's his very funny annual version of the SOTU So You Don't Have To. And here's Adam Felber's SOTU Drinking Game.