Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Wednesday, October 29, 2003

Spreading Memes

Last week Robin noticed, and I noted, the use of the phrase "perception gap" to describe how out of touch the Miserable Failure in Chief has been with reality. Now Krugman picks up on it as well. By the way, spreading the Gephardt meme "miserable failure" has become Blah3's latest project. Not sure how often I'll be participating in this one; I tend to prefer Maru Soze's many nicknames for GWB, like Smirky McSimpleton, Napoleon Bonehead, Creepy McCodpiece, Squinty the Liar, Drinky McDumbass, pReznit Bunnypants, etc. They're just somehow more dignified... Update: David Yaseen has another good meme to spread, via George Lakoff: that paying taxes should be talked about in terms more analogous of "membership fees" or scalable "citizen dues" rather than as a burden from which rich people need relief; and Bob Somerby takes to task the idiot reporters spreading the "Wesley Clark is just too confusing" script.