Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Friday, August 01, 2003

Today's Dumb Techie Question

Back on July 8 I mentioned that I added a Google search bar, which resides at the bottom of this page. I want to switch to a smaller version that fits on my sidebar. CNN has a nice one, and I know I've seen it on other blogs as well. Those of you who have a Google sidebar search: where did you find the proper HTML code on Google's site? Here's where I found the one I use. Also, I've added another cool bit of code from the blog genealogy site Blogtree, where you can register and chart your blog's pedigree - i.e., the blogs that inspired you to create your own, blogs that are considered "siblings" (I'm still not sure about that one, but I'm thinking it has something to do with what other blogs were inspired by your "parents" - in my case 71 other blogs claim one or more of the same inspirations) and which blogs were in turn inspired by you. Obviously I can't fill in the last since I have no idea who else out there might have been inspired by Pen-Elayne on the Web - but if yours is one of them (like Johnny Bacardi's, link at sidebar) please feel free to sign in there and let 'em know! Update: Laura Gjovaag (link at sidebar) to the rescue; thanks Laura!!